Come and Join us!Friends of Cobbett Road Library (FCRL) is an informal group of people of all ages who meet at monthly intervals in the library to plan activities and events.
Formalising the FriendsWith the transfer of the Library's operation from the Council, and in particular following the building being leased to SCA/UP, the Friends think it is important that we can apply for grants and funds to promote and support activities at CRL. Although SCA and UP are grant-supported, they are ineligible for many of the small-scale funding opportunities which could nevertheless make a difference to many of the groups and individuals using CRL. In order to apply for such funds, the Friends required a formal Constitution. After consultation, this was adopted at an Inaugural General Meeting on September 3, 2016, and amended at our AGM on September 30, 2017. Download your copy here.
The formalities will be kept to a minimum, and the general principle of operation through informal open meetings will continue. |
Click here to register for the Friends of Cobbett Road Library Newsletter |